About Us

Expository Parenting Ministries exists to inform, equip, and connect Christian parents for the verse-by-verse discipleship of their children. Rather than conjuring up our own parenting strategy, or relying on fallible human wisdom, this ministry is committed to the reality that God's Word is capable of accomplishing in the lives of children everything that Christian parents could ever want to accomplish (cf. 2 Tim. 3:16-17, 1 Cor. 2:1-5, 1 Pet. 2:2, 2 Pet. 1:19). On that basis, this ministry understands the Christian parent's primary objectives to be the instruction of children through the sequential exposition of all sixty-six books of the Bible, active participation in a local church that will assist in this effort, and a commitment to maximizing time for discipleship in the home.

The Team


Josh Niemi is the founder of Expository Parenting Ministries and the author of the books Expository Parenting and Greater Than Aaron: The Supremacy of Christ’s Limited Atonement. With over a decade of experience ministering to church youth, Josh currently spends his time teaching children's Sunday school and discipling other men, in addition to raising his three children, Carter, Lucia, and Knox, alongside his wife Jill.


Nicki Truesdell is a second-generation Christian homeschooler, who lives in Texas with her husband and children. She is the author of Anyone Can Homeschool and believes it with all her heart. Nicki is a member of the Texas Home Educators Board of Directors, and is a blogger, speaker, history buff, book lover, homemaker, and sometimes quilter. Follow her blog at nickitruesdell.com, or find her on Facebook, Instagram, and Gab.


Jacob Trotter is currently pursuing an M.Div at The Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles, California. He has been married to his wife Julie since 2017 and also posts theological content on his YouTube channel Life & Doctrine.

Kevin Hay serves as one of the pastors of Redeemer Bible Church in Gilbert, Arizona. He has a D.Min in Expository Preaching from The Master’s Seminary and is the editor of the book Assurance: Our Confidence in Christ by Thomas Goodwin. Kevin and his wife, Alicia, have eight children: McKenna, Landon, Meela, Madison, Liam, Levi, Mariah, and Maylee.

Get Informed.

An understanding of the premise of expository parenting is foundational to leveraging the resources found here. Thus, the first purpose of our ministry is to inform men and women of the underlying biblical principles that describe what we intend to accomplish in the lives of our children, and why. The book Expository Parenting provides this premise, and our ongoing blogs and articles expound upon this premise.

Get Equipped.

After understanding the paradigm of expository parenting, the conscientious parent will look to implement the principles in family life. To assist with that effort, we offer the basic resources and tools needed to carry out the task. Rather than leaving parents wondering where to begin, or abandoning parents once they've begun, we are dedicated to providing resources to utilize in ministry.

Get Connected.

Finally, having been informed and equipped for the work of expository parenting, we direct parents to other ministries and resources that will benefit them. Recognizing the breadth and depth that others have to offer, we gladly point men and women to additional biblical ministries that will edify them further, assisting them in the exposition of Scripture and instruction in sound doctrine.