10 Reasons John MacArthur Still Preaches the Word


In his book The Master's Plan for the Church, pastor John MacArthur includes an appendix describing why, after forty years, his ministry has been, and will continue to be, characterized by preaching the Word. In contrast with the milieu of foreign substitutes offered by many so-called churches, MacArthur's ministry is known for a commitment to verse-by-verse expository preaching.

In the words of MacArthur:

Pastors today face relentless pressure to do everything but preach the Word. Mainstream evangelicalism encourages them to be storytellers, comedians, psychologists, or motivational speakers. Conventional but popular wisdom warns them to steer clear of topics that people find unpleasant. Many have given up biblical preaching in favor of shallow talks designed to make people feel good. Some have even replaced preaching with drama and other forms of staged entertainment. But the pastor whose passion is biblical has only one option: "Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction" (2 Tim. 4:2).[1]

Dads and moms committed to expository parenting already understand the parallel of MacArthur's words in the home, but to make the point clear:

Parents today face relentless pressure to do everything but teach their kids the Bible. Mainstream evangelicalism encourages them to be storytellers, comedians, psychologists, or motivational speakers. Conventional but popular wisdom warns them to steer clear of topics that their kids might find unpleasant. Many have given up biblical instruction in favor of shallow talks designed to make their kids feel good. Some have even replaced biblical teaching with arts, crafts, games, and movies. But the parent whose passion is biblical has only one option: "Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction" (2 Tim. 4:2).

To that end, MacArthur's reasons for an unwavering commitment to verse-by-verse exposition also serve as helpful reasons for those committed to delivering the full counsel of God to their children:[2]

1. Its Message Is Timeless and Truly Powerful

2. The Bible Is the Good News of Salvation

3. It Sets Forth Divine Truth with Clarity and Certainty

4. It Stands as the Authoritative Self-Revelation of God

5. It Exalts Christ as the Head of His Church

6. It Is the Means God Uses to Sanctify His People

7. It Rightly Informs Our Worship and Our Walk

8. It Brings Depth and Balance to One's Ministry

9. It Honors the Necessity of Personal Bible Study

10. It Makes My Ministry Dependent on God

In his book, MacArthur goes on to discuss each reason in greater detail, but even at face value it's obvious why they also ought to be adopted by every Christian parent. Quite frankly, preaching the Word is also the Master's plan for the home.


[1] John MacArthur, The Master's Plan for the Church, (Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2008), 304.

[2] Ibid., 306-317.