The Expository Parenting Study Guide Now Available

For those looking to read through Expository Parenting with a spouse, a small group, or a Sunday school class, the Study Guide is now available as a free PDF download here: Released just last week, this 15-session study is not only intended to facilitate an in-depth discussion of the themes presented in each chapter of the book, but also point to further articles and resources for extended individual study afterward.

Session 1 covers the material in the Introduction to the book. Sessions 2-5 work through the entire book of 2 Timothy in order to give each participant a biblical foundation for Expository Parenting. Finally, sessions 6-15 correspond to the ten chapters in Expository Parenting. At a weekly pace, this would put the entire study at around 4 months to complete.

Major thanks are in order to Nicki Truesdell (X/Twitter: @nickitruesdell), Kevin Hay (X/Twitter: @Kevinhay4) and Jacob Trotter (X/Twitter: @jstephentrotter) for their help preparing discussion questions as well as for writing articles associated with various sessions!

The Table of Contents is as follows:

Session 1: Pastors & Parents
Session 2: “Protect the Word”
Session 3: “Pass Along the Word”
Session 4: “Persevere in the Word”
Session 5: “Preach the Word”
Session 6: The Sufficiency of Scripture
Session 7: Expository Preaching
Session 8: Methodology & Mechanics
Session 9: Hermeneutics & Exegesis
Session 10: Systematic Theology & Catechism
Session 11: Evangelism
Session 12: Education & Worldview
Session 13: The Local Church
Session 14: Motivation
Session 15: Legacy

May God richly bless you as you work through a study and application of 2 Timothy for the verse-by-verse discipleship of your kids!

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